четверг, 11 октября 2012 г.


Of all the transparent pink gemstone kunzite distinguished bright colors, durability and luster.
Class-Silicates (Inosilikaty)
Crystal system Monoclinic-
Hardness-6 ,5-7
Fracture - Geometrical
-Perfect Cleavage
Color features-White
Named in honor of the gem mineralogist George F. Kunz, who found it in 1902 in the field Branchvilskom (Connecticut, USA).
Kunz is pink variety of spodumene, having a higher lithium content than other varieties of this mineral. Usually occurs as dlinnoprizmaticheskih crystals and forms lamellar aggregates. Vertical faces of crystals are hatching and are extremely large (up to 12 m long and 2 m wide). In Brazil, near the village of Gobernador-Valladares (Minas Jeu Rice), have been found, no doubt, the best in the world of crystals of this mineral. Weight of one of them was more than 7 pounds. Sometimes crystals acquire an uncommon form of needles or flat twins, are woven together in a heart shape.
Perfect cleavage, shown along the length of the main prism emphasizes excellent gloss and color of this gemstone.
In most cases, kunzite form an independent reservoir. However, in granitic pegmatites he can meet with other lithium aluminosilicates, particularly lepidolite (pink mica), rubellite (red-pink tourmaline), morganite (pink beryl), quartz (rose quartz and rock crystal) and albite, as well as various typical of pegmatite phosphates: apatite, childrenitami, eosforitami and others left before rauchtopaz with kuntsitom and elbaite
King of pink
The intensity of the pink-kuntsita depends on the content of lithium to aluminum. More intense pink color have the crystals in which the lithium content is higher.
-Kunze has a curious optical properties - polihroizmom. You can see the different shades of pink, changing the angle of view on the crystal or faceted stone.
- Few minerals have the same or better pink. Rival kuntsitom can only rubellite and some morganite.
- Separate, paler copies kuntsita processed by gamma rays to enhance color. However, over time (by sunlight) acquired color is lost, and the stone back to its original color.
A little-known stone
If spodumene is an important source of lithium, the kunzite is of great interest to collectors and jewelers.
Did you know that ...
Strong acids do not affect the kunzite, and all care for him is to ensure to avoid strong shocks, causing a bundle of stone.
Kunze, as a whole, not assessed, so finding jewelry with kuntsitom difficult, even in Europe. However, in the U.S. and England, he was recognized and highly regarded for its beautiful pink color. Many jewelry houses use the stone to create their jewelry.
The value of the mineral
In some countries, Kunze, as a color variety of spodumene, is widely used in jewelry. Usually used cut "diamond" with a lot of big faces, emphasizing the natural luster and iridescence. On the other hand, the crystals of this gemstone is highly prized by collectors for the color pink, and their value reaches impressive sums. Spodumene, do not meet the necessary requirements in color and transparency to be precious stones, together with lithium micas are a source of lithium, which is used in medicine, pyrotechnics, photographs, X-rays and other purposes
Interesting figures
Weight of 100 tons and more than 15 meters in length is large crystals kuntsita.
880 carats (176 grams) weighs largest faceted kuntsita instance, received facet trillion. Mined at the mine ITAM-Bakuri (Minas Gerais), is stored in the Smithsonian Institution in Washington.
Of spodumene are lithium - an element that has found application in many areas of science. In the aerospace industry, for example, is used for the manufacture of lithium hydride fuel spaceships, and lithium hydroxide - to clean air.
Where seen kunzite
Kuntsita major supplier with good quality crystals is Brazil. Enjoys great fame Kiyston large deposit in South Dakota (USA). Good copy is in Mozambique, Madagascar and the United States (California). Not so long ago were discovered large deposits kuntsita in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The variety of diamond jewelry

The desire to be beautiful, probably born with a woman, and perhaps before it. Men look at women's beauty in different ways, and so, unfortunately, women are rarely interested in the opinion of the stronger sex, because it is enough to please themselves, and the rest - as would appendage. Although, according to themselves lady beautiful they are just for men.

Strong floor also makes contribution to the well of feminine beauty, for diamond jewelry, mostly buys it man. And here is a matter directly related to the male taste. Going to the jewelry store, eyes run in different directions. Want to buy your favorite all that lies on the counter, running ahead of man's logic, but still, something men stops. No, it's certainly not about money, it's something completely different. The desire to become more specific as you want to give something from what breathtaking. Silver rings, gold earrings, platinum pendants - like it or not, but it's just metal. Certainly, it is beautiful, just not enough of the very completeness, raisins, the most important thing. Diamonds can add decorations and make them unique.

For many thousands of years, no stone was able to beat a diamond. Try as he might jewelers all over the world, giving the other stones are the same shape and faceting, the result was one - diamond won. The situation has not changed and today, this stone makes thrill anyone who sees it. Well-cut diamond - is a masterpiece of art of any master. For his work is tremendous many months of work. Maybe that's why the people who bear the product with these magnificent stones, feel proud and unmatched.

Any product, whether it's earrings, brooch, pendant or ring, in which there is a diamond, giving majestic views of its owner. There is no such woman, who you would not have broken the heart of such a gift. And it certainly will not find a man who would not give half lives for these moments of exultation to the woman, at the sight of such a gift. Brilliant indeed work wonders with people, and those who have never in my life experienced this moment, lost a lot. Money comes and goes - it is a dogma, but diamonds are forever.

Every man wants to give his woman diamond jewelry. And it is quite natural, because for a man beloved original and unmatched. But it is not a representative of the stronger sex, aware of the fact that, first of all, it makes a pleasant himself, and for the sake of those minutes to live.

Formed as aggregates of crystals

Mineralogists interesting not only the sequence of growth of one mineral species to another, but also to highlight each form of the mineral. Often a substance crystallizes in the form of a completely different, sometimes bizarre, aggregates.
Why is the same mineral can form aggregates of different species? Development of individuals and their splice depends on the conditions of education. The units are composed of a mineral called homogeneous or monomineral. Having grown up in the nature of the crystals can be placed in the space randomly or in order.
Irregular intergrowths
The name refers to units with a disorderly arrangement of crystals.
This is the most basic units of irregularities. These include, for example, include marble, composed of calcite grains.
Geodes and Druzes
In geode crystals cover the inside of the cavity. To friends and brushes crystals growing on an exposed surface. In the form of friends and geodes crystallizes many minerals, including widespread, such as calcite and quartz.
Rounded and branched
Frequent grozdevidnoy units, round and kidney-shaped, formed by individual spherulites. Each spherulite is a spherical selection consisting of the finest crystals that grow from a central location in all directions, firmly adhering to each other. Aggregate of many spherulites has burgistuyu surface. Such forms of isolation are common in goethite and marcasite. Spherulitic structure characteristic of stalactites with stalagmites.
Dendritic aggregates, or dendrites, shaped like a tree branch. Such
type of education is common in fast crystallization with a sharp decrease in temperature. Often in the form of dendrites crystallized native metals (silver, gold and copper) and some oxides and hydroxides (pyrolusite, psilomelane).
More correct
In fibrous aggregates thin crystals (fibers) are oriented parallel to each other. These growths are more ordered and are particularly characteristic of chrysotile, crocidolite, tremolite and other minerals, united by the common term "asbestos".
Lamellar aggregates characteristic of minerals with a very perfect cleavage, such as mica and gypsum. In foliated aggregates individual grains resemble leaves. So stand barite and some zeolites.
Among the rarer units - such bizarre forms as "cockscomb" marcasite. It consistently crystals grow in one plane. Roses and rosettes (depending on size) in the form of aggregates called a rose. Thus, the famous "Desert Rose" folded gypsum mixed with sand, because they are formed in desert conditions.
Regularities splices
When you first look at these units in their appearance captured some geometric pattern. Location of individuals subject to the peculiarities of the crystal structure of the mineral. Mesh aggregates are formed at the intersection of the crystals at an angle given by the geometry of the crystal structure. These units are characteristic sagenita - needle varieties of rutile. In the case of radiating aggregates prismatic crystals grow from one point to the sides like spokes on a bicycle wheel. This category also includes rolling aggregates, which are incomplete circle. In the sheaf-like aggregates of prismatic crystals as if in a bun at the base, and their peaks freely apart, like ears of corn into sheaves. So crystallized natrolite and stilbite. Avtoepitaksicheskimi called aggregates formed by different generations of a single mineral. Crystallographic axes previously formed and re-growing crystal coincide, so the "new" individual is a natural continuation of the "old." This often occurs with quartz vein. Separate cases are auto-epitaxy scepter quartz, amethyst which grows on rock crystal. In parallel units crystals fused together the edges. Such splice formed tabular hexagonal crystals vanadinita looks like a mosaic. The regular units called twins grow together if individuals can mentally combine with each other in mirror image in the plane or a rotation around an axis
Minerals form twins by different laws. How will the twinning splice depends on the characteristics of the crystal structure of the mineral.
In nature, the formation of twins - a common phenomenon typical of 80% of chemical species. Specific patterns of aggregates can serve as a reliable diagnostic of the mineral. Therefore, gathering a collection, it is necessary to get acquainted with common types of twins.
What is a double?
Twins called legitimate units, individuals who can mentally combine with each other by reflection in the plane of symmetry or rotation about an axis. So, to imagine the simplest double, attach the plate of gypsum crystals narrow edge to the mirror - get a classic double fusion, called "swallow tail." Legitimate aggregates of a few individuals are called the tees chetvernikami, shesternikami.
TYPES simular
Depending on the form of the unit and the law twinning distinguish different types of twins. In case with "swallow tail", which is a double fusion, forming its crystals are reversed with respect to each other. Typical examples of this type of twins are also Japanese counterpart quartz and frequent doubles spinel and diamond. In the case of twins germination impression that they form crystals penetrate each other. In fact, individuals have grown at the same time, equally "share" a common part of the crystal together. These twins are very characteristic of staurolite, pyrite, calcite, dolomite.
It happens that the crystals simulate a higher symmetry than the one that is inherent in this mineral in reality. They are called mimetic twins. For example, T-form hexagonal crystals of aragonite, although aragonite belongs to the orthorhombic system. Called polysynthetic twins, the addition of many individual crystals, fused on the same plane. They are very typical of albite. Whereas in the cyclic and crank some individuals twins fused with constant mutual twinned orientation, like rutile, chrysoberyl, cerussite.
Why is there a simular
The emergence of a variety of factors contribute to the twins in the first place particular relative position of seed crystals during crystallization from solution or melt. If the crystallographic directions of nascent crystals are the same, formed generally parallel to the machine if they are focused on one of the twin laws - grows double. In addition, the twins in the mineral may occur during the transition of one polymorph to another. For example, high-temperature hexagonal quartz into a low temperature to form a trigonal dofineyskih twins. Also may cause doubles mechanical effect on the crystals. In particular, in the calcite marble observed polysynthetic twins, because these rocks formed at high pressures.
The crystal structure of each mineral favors the formation of only certain types of twins, typical for him. For example, twins and other kalinatrievyh orthoclase feldspar (anorthoclase, sanidine and microcline) obey the three laws of twinning: Carlsbad, bavenskomu and manebahskomu. In Carlsbad twin individuals, fused along one plane are rotated relative to each other by 180 °. For cassiterite, tin is an important mineral, as well as rutile typical articulated counterparts, like the open mouth chicks. Pyrite forms a counterpart of the "Iron Cross", presented two pentagondodekaedrov germination. For staurolite characterized counterparts in the form of a cross with the right angles and Saltire (with an angle of 60 °).
WHAT minerals form a twinning
Susceptible to the formation of twins, many mineral species. We list the most famous cases. Diamond, representative of the class of native elements, forms a counterpart to spinel law. In the class of sulfides and sulfosalts twins are very characteristic of arsenopyrite (in the form of a cross), bornite (shesterniki), chalcocite, chalcopyrite, cinnabar, galena, sphalerite and tetrahedrite. Halides differ doubles sprouting on fluorite law. In a class of oxides and hydroxides have been mentioned twins cassiterite, rutile, spinel and chrysoberyl. Among the most famous stand carbonates pseudohexagonal aragonite and cerussite tees, different twins of calcite and dolomite. In sulphate famous twins of gypsum, and among the phosphates - gerderita and monazite. In the class of silicate minerals, a lot of doubles. In particular, kalinatrievye feldspar and albite polysynthetic twins mentioned above. They can add doubles germination chabazite, cross chetverniki harmotome, doubles fusion titanite and tees sprouting micas.
Some units that are considered twins, in fact they are not. For example, aggregates of cubic crystals of pyrite deposits Navahun (province La Rioja, Spain) at times very much like twins, but in reality only approximately imitate their symmetry. The same thing happens with some units needles that intersect with each other and create the illusion of the twin law. Some splices two quartz crystals are sometimes mistaken for Japanese counterparts. To determine the double in front of you or not, you need to explore the geometry of the sample. Twins of the same type have fixed angles between faces. In addition, the twins are distinguished by twin incoming angles or joints which separate individuals are fused together. On the faces of polysynthetic twins manifested twin hatch.


Pearls - the only jewelry materials produced in the body of mollusks, and he is, perhaps, one of the oldest stones used for decoration because they do not require additional treatment. For many centuries, high-quality pearls sold for exorbitant prices, but with the arrival on the market of cultured pearls in the 1920-1930's of this price leading to an end.
The formation of a pearl in an oyster clam bags is a reaction to the presence of particles of irritating him. Clam series wraps its layers of crystals of aragonite (calcium carbonate), and fastened together with organic matter, konhialinom. The layers build up, like a bulb, and there is a gem. Aragonite crystals are placed in the same order as the shingles on the roof - hence the unique pearl luster.
In cultured pearl serves as the core of the bead, which lays clam layers of natural nacre. The best method for identification of cultured pearls is to check the X-rays - is perfectly visible beneath the bead core (see photo 56). A good layer of natural pearls cultured pearl is thick enough, the same low-quality, it's just a thin film on the surface of the beads. We had to handle a necklace of cultured pearls with a thin layer of nacre, the beads under him were clearly visible. The thickness of the nacreous layer of cultured pearls can range from about 0.5 mm to 3 mm.
I must say that the man who once studied the pearl begins to understand the variety, the most important when working with natural samples. Pearl should have good color and luster, and the best pearls - pink color, and his "skin" should be as smooth as possible, intact. Low-quality color cultured pearls are usually wax on the surface of visible defects, similar to the following form to fill. The better the color and luster, the higher the cost of a pearl. Big natural gems of good color, shiny, smooth and correct form, is still extremely expensive. This gem of more than 10 mm in diameter is considered a rare and highly valued. Even necklaces of cultured pearls in the auction can cost over a million dollars.
"Baroque" gems and pearls of irregular shape, cultured or natural, are much less round and the correct form of the samples. "Blister" gems cut from the clam shell, so they take the shape cabochon. Two blister pearls, fastened together, can simulate a large round pearl, if the line of glue to mask the rim. Pearls "Jap" or "Mabe" also blister, and their core is the drive, the cost of any small blister pearls.
"Imitation" of pearls are usually glass beads, which layer of the "Eastern essences", extracted from fish scales, or hollow beads coated with the same substance inside. To check in this case, you can rub the old gem on the front teeth, with natural or artificial pearl will be a little rough, and the simulation will be smooth.
Pink pearl-like coral, shells and grow in different characteristic "ognepodobnym" pattern on the surface, visible with a magnifying glass, and silver glitter. The best of them can cost up to several thousand pounds.
Freshwater pearls have much less brilliance, it can be found in jewelry XIX - early XX century, usually pearls extracted from the River Tay
in Scotland, and from the Mississippi to the U.S.. Nuclear-free cultured pearls produced in the river farms in Japan, and more recently - in China, in large quantities, such gems weigh less than conventional cultured samples are whiter, but they can be custom painted, their shape more oval. Once you see, then they are easy to distinguish, their cost is low.
Natural "black" pearls are rare and highly valued. Cultured pearls are sometimes stained with silver nitrate, making it look like the black, but this induced color is darker and homogeneous. There are ways to grow cultured black pearls, and if it reaches a significant sample size, and their cost can be high.
In determining the quality of pearl lover is best to contact a reputable gemological laboratory, X-ray equipment where there is, in addition, buying an expensive pearl buyer may request the seller a certificate confirming its origin.


The name "pomegranate" is not so much a particular stone, but rather to a group of minerals with the same chemical composition and cubic crystal lattice. Most garnets found in jewelry, red, or brown-red color, they are inexpensive, but they can be quite beautiful. The best examples of painted and chromium-called "pyropes" color close to Rubin. Jewelers typically do not specify whether or pyrope garnet almandine, or even any kind, because it has little effect on the value of the stone. In the past, popular attractive tangerine orange grenades spessartite, known as the "mandarin garnets."

Grenades are rarely the subject of forgery, because the are cheap and of themselves. For red garnet crystals can be taken, made of red glass, designed to simulate the ruby. It is worth noting that the grenades are often subject to numerous defects and crystalline inclusions. Their constants, in particular the index of refraction, are too broad to be useful lover, in addition, they are, like crystals, have a single refraction.

However green garnet - a rare and valuable stone. Qualitative demantoidny grenades variety of andradite, can be very attractive due to the level of dispersion, higher than that of diamond, because of which demonstrates the great stone "fire" and the game. His best samples have shiny grass-green, but confusing them with emerald impossible because of a yellowish hue, and high gloss. Green garnets, which first appeared on the market in the second half of the XIX century, the mining in the Urals, and often they can be found in the products, dating from about 1895 up to the First World War.

Best examples can cost several thousand dollars per carat, but their size is rarely more than 5 carats, most of these stones are small. Their characteristic inclusions called I-it's brown asbestos fibers. It is for them the easiest to distinguish this stone, because the index of refraction of demantoid (1.89) is beyond the scale of the refractometer. Only some of the stones by color may seem like an expressive bright green demantoids, peridot close to the samples with a pale color, but he has a strong double refraction and read the index of refraction 1.67.

However, remember that some artificial grenades specially painted chrome to mimic demantoids, but these stones do not have specific defects, and they almost never occur in jewelry. Not long ago, in Kenya, in the National Park Ttsavo was open field, which produces attractive green grossular garnets, they are distinguished by a shade of green foliage, but they are not characteristic of demantoid fire and they are relatively soft and susceptible to abrasion. The cost of these stones varies greatly. They are easily distinguishable by refractometer (refractive index - 1.74).


Usually included in the group of minerals forming the lead ore. Copies of the bright colors and well formed crystals are highly valued by collectors.
Wulfenite named after the Austrian mineralogist Franz von Wolf, who found the mineral in Carinthia (Austria). It is also called yellow lead because of the high density, the presence of lead ore and characteristic color.
Wulfenite - secondary mineral formed in the oxidation zone of ore deposits containing lead and molybdenum minerals. Usually associated with cerussite, vanadinitom, limonite and anglesite. Wulfenite occurs in the form of massive coarse-and fine-grained aggregates or crystallizes in the tetragonal system, the most characteristic of him. Crystals - square and thin, sometimes there are prismatic (Los Lamentos, Mexico) and bipyramidal (Austria, Mexico). For vulfenita also characterized by flat (tabular or plate) crystals of bright colors, which may contain impurities of other minerals, which give them different colors.
Wulfenite easily melts and lends itself to strong acids. When cleaning is necessary to be very careful and use only mild soap, because strong cleaners can make it dull.
Crystals vulfenita
Being a rare mineral, wulfenite can be any collection of minerals. Its crystals are different exquisite colors ranging from yellow to orange and red. There are also colorless, brown, blue and gray crystals. The latter are of particular interest to know mineralogists.
Interesting field
At present the world's finest specimens are mined in the mine vulfenita Red Cloud Silver District (Arizona, USA). They differ in size, splendor and spectacular fiery red. World-famous designs have recovered from the mines of Los Lamentos, Chihuahua (Mexico) and Twiss (Morocco).
An important component of
Wulfenite - a major source of molybdenum, a chemical element that has a high priority for the steel industry.
Molybdenum - metal light gray with a melting point 2b20 ° C. In free form not found in nature. Molybdenum is part of superalloys essential for nuclear and missile technology.
Reliable friend
Use for the production of molybdenum alloy steel provides a material that is much superior in quality than conventional steel. Molybdenum steel, among others, may be quenched at the highest temperatures. In addition, molybdenum is a replacement for the more expensive items, such as nickel. Among the structures in the construction where such steel, the most impressive, perhaps, are suspension bridges. It is made of molybdenum steel cables that support these amazing structures.
In 1846, engineer John Roebling built the first suspension bridge in the world. The design length of 308 meters located on the Ohio River in Wheeling (Eastern Virginia, USA). His most famous suspension bridge, no doubt - "Golden Gate" (1937). He crosses the San Francisco Bay.
Where seen wulfenite
Mineral found in abundance where there are large deposits of lead, for example, in the U.S., especially in the border states of Mexico, and in Mexico itself, in Morocco, Namibia and Iran.
The central span of the bridge reaches a length of 1280 meters, its support pylon 227 meters.
Red cloud
The most beautiful kind vulfenita has a blood-red color and is mined in Arizona. It is called «Red Cloud», or "Red Cloud", in honor of the great Sioux chief Red Cloud, who led the war in 1866, the American Indian tribes of the west against the white colonists.
The use of molybdenum in steel production yielded an ideal material for the construction of suspension bridges. The photo on the left was captured Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge, connecting the Japanese city of Kobe with Awaji Island. It is the longest bridge in the world, reaching 3,911 meters.

Rose Quartz

"King" of translucent quartz. Rare instances of transparent stone differ stunning beauty, and can be very expensive. Despite its fragility, this type of quartz is widely used in the manufacture of simple decorations.
Quartz - the most common mineral of the crust, which is found in igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Quartz color is variable and depends on the presence in it of any impurities. In the presence of manganese, titanium or quartz takes the stunning color, which varies from pale pink to bright pink. This variety is called pink quartz. Ignition is a colorless quartz and irradiated with X-rays - black.
Rare Crystal
Usually pink quartz aggregates presented microcrystals, and only occasionally
There are single crystals. Large pink quartz veins often intersect quartz veins milk. Large crystals of rose quartz a few centimeters across rare and always in demand. The most valuable of the varieties of this stone is considered to be a blood-red crystals or sirenevato colors mined in Madagascar, particularly when it comes to almost transparent copies.
Rose Quartz: artificial stones and imitation
For the manufacture of imitation rose quartz glass is often used, processed accordingly to play veins and inclusions characteristic of these stones. Recognize such a simulation can be small air bubbles, testifying to its artificial origin. In addition, imitation rose quartz made of synthetic spinel. Some of the imitations are so successful that could well be mistaken for a real rose quartz.
Symbol of love
Quartz in all its diversity has always played a significant role in the history of mankind. Rose quartz is usually symbolized love.
Where he meets Rose Quartz
Best rose quartz mined in Madagascar, and most rose quartz - in Braziolii.
Since ancient times, quartz played an important role in human life. It was widely used in the manufacture of weapons, utensils, tools, jewelry, ornaments and magic crystals. Some of its varieties even attributed healing properties. It was believed, for example, quartz helps zarubtsovyvatsya wounds.
Crystals for collectors
Rare, beautiful rose quartz crystal formation lovers became available recently. Most of them are produced in Brazil, and these crystals in high demand. Famous are beautiful mixed crystal formation of quartz and other relatively rare minerals such eosfo Rita, and rosherita vardita. Parallel groups rose quartz crystals and eosforita residents of the state of Minas Gerais for bizarre appearance called "Hairy." Within the United States there are amazing crystals in druses, which are parallel groups on smoky quartz.
Small masterpieces
Plain pink quartz is processed in the form of cabochons or beads for necklaces, and the most transparent specimens are difficult cutting. In addition, this stone is widely used for carvings and decoration. Some of them are works of art.