четверг, 11 октября 2012 г.

Rose Quartz

"King" of translucent quartz. Rare instances of transparent stone differ stunning beauty, and can be very expensive. Despite its fragility, this type of quartz is widely used in the manufacture of simple decorations.
Quartz - the most common mineral of the crust, which is found in igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Quartz color is variable and depends on the presence in it of any impurities. In the presence of manganese, titanium or quartz takes the stunning color, which varies from pale pink to bright pink. This variety is called pink quartz. Ignition is a colorless quartz and irradiated with X-rays - black.
Rare Crystal
Usually pink quartz aggregates presented microcrystals, and only occasionally
There are single crystals. Large pink quartz veins often intersect quartz veins milk. Large crystals of rose quartz a few centimeters across rare and always in demand. The most valuable of the varieties of this stone is considered to be a blood-red crystals or sirenevato colors mined in Madagascar, particularly when it comes to almost transparent copies.
Rose Quartz: artificial stones and imitation
For the manufacture of imitation rose quartz glass is often used, processed accordingly to play veins and inclusions characteristic of these stones. Recognize such a simulation can be small air bubbles, testifying to its artificial origin. In addition, imitation rose quartz made of synthetic spinel. Some of the imitations are so successful that could well be mistaken for a real rose quartz.
Symbol of love
Quartz in all its diversity has always played a significant role in the history of mankind. Rose quartz is usually symbolized love.
Where he meets Rose Quartz
Best rose quartz mined in Madagascar, and most rose quartz - in Braziolii.
Since ancient times, quartz played an important role in human life. It was widely used in the manufacture of weapons, utensils, tools, jewelry, ornaments and magic crystals. Some of its varieties even attributed healing properties. It was believed, for example, quartz helps zarubtsovyvatsya wounds.
Crystals for collectors
Rare, beautiful rose quartz crystal formation lovers became available recently. Most of them are produced in Brazil, and these crystals in high demand. Famous are beautiful mixed crystal formation of quartz and other relatively rare minerals such eosfo Rita, and rosherita vardita. Parallel groups rose quartz crystals and eosforita residents of the state of Minas Gerais for bizarre appearance called "Hairy." Within the United States there are amazing crystals in druses, which are parallel groups on smoky quartz.
Small masterpieces
Plain pink quartz is processed in the form of cabochons or beads for necklaces, and the most transparent specimens are difficult cutting. In addition, this stone is widely used for carvings and decoration. Some of them are works of art.

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