четверг, 11 октября 2012 г.


Due to the variety and effectiveness of shapes and colors that spread around the world mineral - one of the most beloved by collectors.
Rutile occurs in sedimentary rocks, and also in modern alluvial deposits of river and coastal-marine type. Also forms intergrowths with magnetite and hematite. In addition, the hair-like intergrowths found in quartz and granite. Rutile is a critical component of titanium ore.
Variety of colors
Name this mineral comes from the Latin «rutilus», which means "red", and this color is dominant among crystals of rutile. But painting rutile ranges from blood red to dark brown, orange and golden yellow that. In addition, there are black and silver specimens, owe their color impurities niobium, iron, or tantalum. The best crystals of rutile are found in the cracks of "alpine" type, but good examples of this mineral come across in many places around the world. Large crystals are usually brown or black, and often are processed in cabochon. Less common are transparent red crystals, from which the real gems.
Three minerals with the same composition
In nature, titanium dioxide (TiO2) is found in the form of three minerals - rutile, anatase and brookite. They have the same chemical composition, but different shape of the crystal lattice. This phenomenon is called polymorphism. Transparent crystals of minerals, especially brookite, very rare and is always a price collectors.
 Has a tetragonal system and is usually presented in the form of prismatic, often very long and thin crystals.
Has orthorhombic, that blit-chatye crystals and yellow, reddish-brown or black. Brookite crystals look like yellowish or reddish brown diamonds.
Has the same symmetry, as rutile, but occurs only in the form of small crystals of a few millimeters, often have the form of two pyramids joined at the base of the brown color, with shades of blue, yellow, red or black. Collectors interested in patterns of brown color.
Did you know that ...
Because titanium is hardly found in the objects around us, people consider it a rare metal. In fact, it is one of the most common of minerals not only in the earth's crust, and in the universe.
Rutile is prized by collectors for the original crystals toggle doubles. He also has wide practical application.
FROM rutile to titanium
Rutile - a type of raw material for titanium metal with a wide industrial application: production of enamels, lacquers and paints - only the most modest of them. Titanium has become an indispensable material in a number of industries, from aerospace to textiles and steel. Use it in medicine for making joint prostheses. One of the last areas of applications of titanium - architecture. They, for example, decorated facade of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao.
Titanium implants
 Titan - the only metal that is not rejected by the body. So it is used for the manufacture of joint prostheses.
Natural treasures
Thanks to its beautiful natural form of rutile is of great interest in terms of mineralogy.
Geometric shapes
For rutile characteristic combination of two or more crystals of the twin-contact with each other on one side and forming an angle. This form is known as "crank twins."
Venus Hair
The name refers to one kind of inclusions of rutile, sagenita. They have the form of crossed golden needles and can be found in clear quartz.
Crystal Rainbow

Nature is sometimes bizarre growths bright red crystals of rutile on hematite crystals or another color Ti Zheleznyak.
Where seen rutile
Rutile is distributed worldwide. The largest deposits are located in the U.S., Brazil, Australia, Russia and Switzerland.

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