Amethyst - is a crystalline mineral. Easily recognized by its purple color with shades of light pink to dark purple. Coloring crystal is most intense at the ends because of the impurities of iron. Amethyst can easily lose color when exposed to radiation and sunlight. Ignition to 400-500 ° C yellow crystals, becoming similar in color to the quartz citrine. Amethysts most beautiful colors are processed and used to make different kinds of jewelry. Less interesting pieces are ground and go on making jewelry, necklaces and bracelets. Interestingly, the amethyst stone is born under the sign of Aquarius.
Natural treasure
Amethyst crystals can reach a length of 35 centimeters. Most often found in the amethyst geodes basalt rock. Geodes - are natural cavities in rocks that are generally spherical in shape. On their inner walls of crystals of amethyst. The most valuable stones are mined in Brazil today
The family of quartz
Amethyst - is a variety of quartz, one of the most common minerals of the crust.
Clear colorless variety of quartz macrocrystalline
This variety of quartz, usually blackish or smoky brown hue.
Amorphous variety of quartz (chalcedony) is widely used in the manufacture of figurines and ornaments. Find a good crystal carnelian very difficult.
Milky quartz
The most common type of translucent quartz, owes its name to the milky white color.
The crystals are lemon yellow. These crystals is extremely small, and are often "fake", calcining amethyst or smoky quartz.
Mystic stone
Amethyst was used by people since ancient times and in all ages had a deep symbolic and religious significance to many different cultures and peoples.
For centuries, different religions and cults believed amethyst symbol of spirituality. In ancient times, the high priest of the ancient Jews wore it on his chest, and in the Middle Ages was the amethyst stone of bishops and cardinals. Its deep purple color symbolized spirituality and indifference to worldly goods.
Ancient gem
Amethyst is very popular since ancient times, it is highly valued by jewelers ancient Egypt. Up to the XVIII century, this stone was one of the main jewels along with a ruby and diamond. Now Amethyst is classified semi precious stones.
Stone, who had once been beautiful nymph
Legend has it that the god of wine Dionysus fell in love with a charming nymph named Ame-TEC and began to pursue her. To rid the poor nymph of Dionysus, the goddess of Arte-mis turned it into a beautiful gem. When Dionysus realized that did to Ametes, he repented of his deed, and sprinkled stone wine, which gives it a special amethyst color.
Where seen amethyst
In southern Brazil, on the border with Uruguay, are the largest deposits of amethyst in the world.
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