Of all the transparent pink gemstone kunzite distinguished bright colors, durability and luster.
Class-Silicates (Inosilikaty)
Crystal system Monoclinic-
Hardness-6 ,5-7
Fracture - Geometrical
-Perfect Cleavage
Color features-White
Named in honor of the gem mineralogist George F. Kunz, who found it in 1902 in the field Branchvilskom (Connecticut, USA).
Kunz is pink variety of spodumene, having a higher lithium content than other varieties of this mineral. Usually occurs as dlinnoprizmaticheskih crystals and forms lamellar aggregates. Vertical faces of crystals are hatching and are extremely large (up to 12 m long and 2 m wide). In Brazil, near the village of Gobernador-Valladares (Minas Jeu Rice), have been found, no doubt, the best in the world of crystals of this mineral. Weight of one of them was more than 7 pounds. Sometimes crystals acquire an uncommon form of needles or flat twins, are woven together in a heart shape.
Perfect cleavage, shown along the length of the main prism emphasizes excellent gloss and color of this gemstone.
In most cases, kunzite form an independent reservoir. However, in granitic pegmatites he can meet with other lithium aluminosilicates, particularly lepidolite (pink mica), rubellite (red-pink tourmaline), morganite (pink beryl), quartz (rose quartz and rock crystal) and albite, as well as various typical of pegmatite phosphates: apatite, childrenitami, eosforitami and others left before rauchtopaz with kuntsitom and elbaite
King of pink
The intensity of the pink-kuntsita depends on the content of lithium to aluminum. More intense pink color have the crystals in which the lithium content is higher.
-Kunze has a curious optical properties - polihroizmom. You can see the different shades of pink, changing the angle of view on the crystal or faceted stone.
- Few minerals have the same or better pink. Rival kuntsitom can only rubellite and some morganite.
- Separate, paler copies kuntsita processed by gamma rays to enhance color. However, over time (by sunlight) acquired color is lost, and the stone back to its original color.
A little-known stone
If spodumene is an important source of lithium, the kunzite is of great interest to collectors and jewelers.
Did you know that ...
Strong acids do not affect the kunzite, and all care for him is to ensure to avoid strong shocks, causing a bundle of stone.
Kunze, as a whole, not assessed, so finding jewelry with kuntsitom difficult, even in Europe. However, in the U.S. and England, he was recognized and highly regarded for its beautiful pink color. Many jewelry houses use the stone to create their jewelry.
The value of the mineral
In some countries, Kunze, as a color variety of spodumene, is widely used in jewelry. Usually used cut "diamond" with a lot of big faces, emphasizing the natural luster and iridescence. On the other hand, the crystals of this gemstone is highly prized by collectors for the color pink, and their value reaches impressive sums. Spodumene, do not meet the necessary requirements in color and transparency to be precious stones, together with lithium micas are a source of lithium, which is used in medicine, pyrotechnics, photographs, X-rays and other purposes
Interesting figures
Weight of 100 tons and more than 15 meters in length is large crystals kuntsita.
880 carats (176 grams) weighs largest faceted kuntsita instance, received facet trillion. Mined at the mine ITAM-Bakuri (Minas Gerais), is stored in the Smithsonian Institution in Washington.
Of spodumene are lithium - an element that has found application in many areas of science. In the aerospace industry, for example, is used for the manufacture of lithium hydride fuel spaceships, and lithium hydroxide - to clean air.
Where seen kunzite
Kuntsita major supplier with good quality crystals is Brazil. Enjoys great fame Kiyston large deposit in South Dakota (USA). Good copy is in Mozambique, Madagascar and the United States (California). Not so long ago were discovered large deposits kuntsita in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
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